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7 Ways Confidence Helps Your Life & Biz

And action steps you can take today to make a change! (Intro to The Sexy Confident Business Diva Series)

So I was going to talk about overconfidence and how it relates to life and especially business, but that word can be seen negatively or taken that way. Well I'm not about being negative at all. So let's just talk about being highly confident and how it can help your life and biz.

We should all know by now that confidence is needed in life and business....right? In order to be successful, yes? Of course success means something else to everyone too. But for this post let's just say the definition of success is the accomplishment of a specific purpose. And with that, confidence is needed or the belief that what we want to accomplish is possible. So let's roll with that.

Now I don't know about you, but I do have confidence but I can tell you it is not all the time! There are many times that I struggle with this issue....but I'm actively improving this every day. Are you doing the same? Are you letting your lack of confidence get in the way of what you want for your life or business? If you are, are you actively doing something everyday to build up that confidence?

My mentor, whom you may have heard of, has a great quote that sums this issue up pretty well. John C. Maxwell has said that, "When the leader lacks confidence, the followers lack commitment." How many of you have experienced that before? Here here...I have! I could go on and on and give you examples and stories for days about how my lack of confidence has stopped my progress in its tracks, but your attention span is only but so long especially when you're reading. So instead of going through examples of how bad lack of confidence can be for you, I would rather offer up 7 ways that confidence can actually help your life and biz. Because as we should know, confidence determines your actions....and if you are trying to be successful in your life or biz, then you better be well on your way to building that *shiz* up!

So here are 7 ways that you can build confidence to help your life and your biz. I'll list them out but over the next week or so I will go into detail about each. If you'd like the heads up on when I post about it then sign up for my newsletter. You can also catch me on too as I'll be talking about these topics as well. I would love your input on it as too! So here they are...

1. Bright Big Huge Goals

2. Believe in Yourself

3. Run from Negativity

4. Always be Open to Learning

5. Fail forward

6. Clear Vision

7. Just Do Something

So there you have it. My 7 ways you can build confidence that will help your life and biz! Stay tuned the rest of this week as I dive in to the details and go in depth, well not too in depth, but deep into what these 7 steps can do for you! Again you can catch me on my social media links below or live on

If you are really wanting to get started in building your confidence, right now, then I invite you to join in on my "Be Seen Confidently" challenge starting November 2nd! Click Here for the deets and get ready for an amazing 5 days of building healthy confidence habits and showing up and being seen in your life and/or biz!

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