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How Goals Build Confidence, and Confidence Helps You Achieve Your Goals

And just for the know I'm talking about sexy confidence, the type of confidence that feels good to you. It's magnetic and almost magical and just feels ohhh so right! Now back to the blog...

If you don't know where you're going, how do you know when you get there? Any successful journey, short or small, begins with a plan. You look where you are now, and where you want to be. It's like taking a long trip and breaking out a physical map, pulling up MapQuest, or entering your starting and ending points into a GPS-enabled device. A bit dated I know, but you get the gist right?

Whichever method you choose, you're developing a set of directions to follow that you know will get you to your destination. If you're taking a long road trip, you no doubt stop several times along the way. After every few hours of driving, you need to stretch your legs, fuel up your vehicle, use the bathroom, and probably get something to eat. You recognize these way-points as mini-goal achievements which let you know you are on the right track.

Successfully string enough of those hallmarks along the way and you will get to your destination, which is your big goal. Ding, ding, ding!

So whether taking a trip, building a business or seeking some type of personal or life change, you would be lost without a good set of directions. Using the right directions, and setting many small goals along the way, can help you build confidence while crushing uncertainty and self-doubt. As your small wins begin to add up you get more and more confident that you will reach your virtual or physical destination.

Why You Should Write Down Your Goals (and any time you work with me, I really do encourage this!)

You may have heard of the Harvard written goals study. The Harvard MBA program is extremely competitive, and difficult to get into. Since the 1970s, only 10% to 15% of all applicants are admitted. As you can imagine, this means the students who are accepted are accomplished academically, and not afraid to put in the hard work required to achieve any goal.

In 1979, the graduates of that year's Harvard MBA program were interviewed about their goals. Only 3% had "clear, written goals and plans to accomplish them". An additional 13% had goals in mind, but never wrote them down. A full 84% had no specific goals.

Ten years later, in 1989, those same students were interviewed again. Incredibly, the 13% who had committed their goals to their mind, but not down on paper, achieved "twice as much as the 84% who had no goals at all." That is pretty impressive. However, the 3% who had specific, defined goals and wrote them down were making a staggering "10 times as much as the other 97% put together." Go ahead, go back and read that line one more time!

You can imagine those 3% first wrote down their goals long before starting the Harvard MBA program. Graduating from the program was probably one of their smaller goals that helped them build confidence that they needed to reach their overall goal, whatever it may have been.

Writing down goals means checking on them periodically to make sure you are on track. Just as you recognize you are nearing your destination on a physical trip by referring to a map, the closer you get to achieving any personal or biz goal, the more confident you become that you will succeed.

Here are a few steps to help you in that process:

1. Start setting goals in important areas of your life.

2. Write them down.

3. Break a big goal down into multiple mini-goals and make them specific.

4. Refer to your written plan frequently and have deadlines to achieve them.

5. Change and adapt when necessary, and as your small wins start to pile up, with each one comes an added dose of self-confidence...and again sexy self-confidence.

The more confidence you develop, the more aligned and fulfilled you will feel and the braver and more aggressive you become in setting new, bigger goals. This can perpetuate a rewarding cycle of goals building sexy confidence, with your improved confidence-boosting self-assurance helping you set up, and knock down, more and more goals in all areas of your life.

If you are really feeling this topic and you're ready to start coming up with dreamy and specific goals to crush and build your sexy confidence, then come join me for my FREE 5 Day Training - "The Sexy Confidence Formula." Not only will we be setting goals big and small, but you will discover how to tap into and unleash your own "feel good" vibes that will lead you to more success and abundance in your life and especially your biz!

So here's to demolishing fear by taking action and achieving goals left and right and feeling sexy confident about it all!

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