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Happy 2nd Half of 2016 - Get Productive!

Yes I said it...Happy 2nd Half of 2016! I can't believe July is here, can you?!

Well how was your first half of 2016? Did you accomplish a lot, are your making strides in your life and biz? Tell me down in the comments or send me a message. I really want to know!

Now is the time to make sure we make the 2nd half of 2016 even better. I know I know I know, it's the summer, it's hot, kids are out of school, time to vacation and so much more. But definitely don't lose focus or sight of what you wanted to accomplish at the beginning of this year.

So to help you stay motivated and get productive for the rest of these months, here are some tips to get you started! Don't just glaze over them. Read them and do them and if you want even more, download my full e-book on even more tips that will help you "Get Productive" this summer!

Develop An Organization System

If you don’t already have an organization system for your business, now is definitely the time to start. Different people work best with different systems, so unfortunately, I can’t tell you which type to use. Some people like paper systems, because they can cross items off their list as they complete them. Some people like digital planners because they can send their lists to their phones, etc. Either way use something!

Start Planning

Plan time to take off in your business and also plan to make time for your business! Plan for both so that you don't miss out on valuable time needed for both. Yes you need to take time off and relax but you also shouldn't completely be forgetting about your business. So plan accordingly.

Work Smarter

Now is the time to start working smarter, not harder. Like I said earlier, you can write posts now, and schedule them to publish later. Facebook easily lets you do this for free on your business page. There are a lot of other apps and software out there that can help with this too.


When it comes to taking time off during the summer, technology is your best friend! All of the major blogging platforms let you write posts now and schedule them in advance. Your email newsletter service should be the same way. It would be impossible for me to know the facts on every single service out there, but all the ones that I know allow you to create your newsletter now and send it later. So take advantage of them.


Delegating can be hard. Really hard. It’s kinda funny – you start a business because you want to be your own boss, but it can be really hard to start bossing other people around. Doing that requires letting go – and your business is a lot like your baby, and putting that “baby” into someone else’s hands can cause you lots of anxiety and worry.

But eventually, you’re going to have to learn to trust, and start letting go…

Want Some More?!

So what's it going to be?! Is your 2nd half of 2016 going to be the best ever?! You better say yes!

Mine is and I want to do the thang let's do this!



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