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5 Things You Better Know About Marketing

Sooo marketing. I'm sure you know the definition but in case you don't here goes. It's all the things you do, the actions and processes, of promoting and selling your products, services, messages, branding and much more.

The question is....what are you doing when it comes to your marketing and do you think it's working? I seem to get this question all the time and well...I'm here to help you out a bit. Well actually a lot! So stick around and read all the way through to the end. You won't regret it!

So here are a few things that you should know about marketing. Especially if you are an entrepreneur or business owner or you're trying to promote or sell something. Below are some very important tips that you can always refer to when you think about marketing something. Matter of fact you can almost use it as a sort of checklist. You know before you put out a marketing ad, or message or post see if it matches up to this checklist. So here goes...

  1. First Impressions count - Every impression you make virtually and in person counts. So don't screw it up! Make sure you are on your "A" game and that the confidence is flowing.

  2. Communication is key - Do I even need to? We should all know that communication is the key in just about everything that we do. So make sure you are always communicating with your audience, and I do mean always.

  3. Give value to get value - Don't be stingy. Serve and give and you shall receive. And this is the truth. The more you give to the universe the more the universe will give back to you. So constantly give that value and don't ever worry that you're giving too much. Giving will definitely help you to build your own tribe of loyal fans!

  4. Consistency matters - Be consistent and not sporadic here and there with your actions. And this is with everything you do too. Social media, emails, following up and so much more. I know I struggle with this myself but it must be done!

  5. Numbers don't lie - So know them and use them to analyze what you're doing. If you plan on starting today, with amping up your marketing, then you better know where you're starting at and have a goal of where you want to get to. Meaning if you are going to start marketing more on your Facebook page, for example, then know how many likes you have before you start with your marketing strategy plan. Have a goal in sight along with a deadline and be sure to check in through out as well.

If you follow these simple steps when marketing your products, services, messages, branding and just about anything else, I know you will see great results from doing so. Now this is not a full encompassing list of what you should know about marketing, but it's definitely a great start and something you should memorize and follow.

Now if you like this kind of information and would love to learn more and have more in depth conversations about marketing then I have a great thing to share with you. In celebration of me coming out.....not what you may be thinking, but in celebration of me launching new content and a website and new logos and all kinds of good stuff, I'm hosting a giveaway! A giveaway with prizes totaling over $3,500 and it's completely FREE to enter. It's going to be fun and exhilarating and definitely lavish, as a few other diva entrepreneurs and I have joined together to bring you all kinds of goodie goods. And we're giving away tons of stuff to help you grow and market your biz with confidence! So head on over to and enter to win NOW and let the games begin!

Hugs and dreams,


P.S. This is my way of amping up my marketing fyi and this is just the beginning! Let's take this journey together...onwards to success! Now go enter that contest!

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